New Display!! "Get Lit"

"Get Lit" is our new display. Shareen Miles has loaned the library her matchbook collection. She started collecting in her 20’s, even though she never smoked. Everywhere she went, if they had matchbooks, she collected one. Friends would sometimes bring her matchbooks too, when they went on vacations. There are matchbooks from weddings, from bars and restaurants. There is a group of Hard Rock Café matchbooks. Christmas matchbooks. Las Vegas matchbooks. Sports team matchbooks. Tons of matchbooks from Wisconsin businesses, and even matchbooks from other countries. There are some unique ones as well. Two of the matchbooks are about 16” long. A couple of the matchbooks have actual wooden matches in them. And one matchbook has paper in it. Can you guess where that one is from? Yup, the Fox Valley paper companies. Come in, and take a look!