Board Meeting


September 8, 2020


The board meeting was called to order by Kate Tyczinski at 6:03 p.m.  Others present were Sara Wilson, Julie Barden, Lenny Glover, Lorrie Jansma, Betty Kastenschmidt and Kes Thompson, who attended via computer.  Kathy Jerome and Kim Zills were absent.  Motion by Kes and seconded by Lorrie to approve the August 3, 2020 meeting minutes.  Motion by Lenny and seconded by Julie to approve the treasurer's report.  Both motions passed.



1.  School Supplies:  Sara advised that a large box of school supplies has been collected and she is waiting for someone to pick them up. 

2.  Budget:  Sara advised that the Green lake County Administrator is asking every department to take 5% off their last year's budget, which is not the amount that our contract with the County calls for.  Sara said she is encouraging people to write the Green Lake County Board members to ask them to support the library.



There were no building plan items this month.



1.  Library Board Members:  Sara advised that the terms for Betty Kastenschmidt and Kathy Jerome end this year.  The Village Board has approved both to serve another term.  Betty agreed to serve again. 

2.  Rummage for Reading:  Sara advised that we made $30 for the month of July and $33 for the month of August.  The amounts collected are down this year but considering the effects of the Corona Virus all felt it is worth keeping the table up. 


Future Agenda Items:

Sara reminded everyone that the "BYOB" fundraiser will be next month.  The baskets are due by October 10th and the silent auction will be held from October 12th to the 24th. 

Sara also reminded everyone that next month we will need to attend the municipal board meetings to request budget funds. 


A motion to adjourn was made by Julie and seconded by Kate at 6:22 p.m.


Lenora Glover, Secretary


The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, October 5, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.



Tuesday, September 8, 2020 - 6:00pm