Board Meeting


November 4, 2019


The board meeting was called to order by Kate Tyczinski at 6:10 p.m.  Others present were Sara Wilson, Julie Barden, Joy Waterbury, Lenny Glover, Betty Kastenschmidt and Lorrie Jansma.  Kes Thompson and Kathy Jerome were absent.  Motion by Joy and seconded by Betty to approve the previous meeting minutes.  Motion by Joy and seconded by Julie to approve the treasurer's report.  Both motions passed.    



1.  Tai Chi:  Sara reported that 8 classes have been held with 34 people attending.                    

2.  Budget Meetings:  Sara reported that all the municipal meetings went well, and no problems were expected.        

3.  Author Visit - Joy Ribar:  Sara reported that the author visit was attended by 16 people and it went well.  

4.  Basket Fundraiser:  Sara reported that 53 baskets have come in.  She has taken pictures of each one and posted them on the website and she has sent an article to the newspaper.  The auction will run until November 16.

5.  Replacement Computers:  Sara reported that the four computers for the public have been replaced at a cost of $642.67 each.     



1.  Reading Room:  Sara reported that they are putting together a new bookcase for the reading room.  The first program will be this Wednesday about Medicare.  On November 20 there will be a program teaching wood burning.  Programs will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10 a.m.



1.  Vote for Vice President of the Board:  Sara advised that when Erin resigned from the board, Kate moved up from Vice President to President, so we now need someone to take the Vice President position.  Joy made a motion to nominate Kes as the Vice President.  Lorrie seconded the motion and the motion passed with all in agreement.   



Sara advised that Santa has been lined up for the cookie walk to be held on December 14.  Betty and Julie volunteered to call people.  We will meet on Friday night from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. to set up for the cookie walk.  


A motion to adjourn was made by Betty and was seconded by Julie at 6:25 p.m.


Lenora Glover, Secretary


The next regular meeting will be on Monday, December 2, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


Monday, November 4, 2019 - 6:00pm